To tell you the truth, the more the house empties and the louder the echoes become, the more pleasure I get in swiffering the spots where furniture once stood. These original wood floors from 1948 are "expanding" and showing more shine than before. Funny how that shine resembles Nathan and I as we too shine with excitement for the journey ahead!
I have no plans to delete this blog as I feel it still has good old-fashioned value and I've received some positive feedback on how it has helped some. Besides, it's a GOOD blog! If you are interested in following our new journey in life, I invite you to visit and subscribe to my new blog called "https://thatlevywoman.blogspot.com/". My new blog will launch in mid-May if not sooner (I am itching to write!) so don't miss this fabulous freeing adventure we have "semi-planned"!
I bid you Adieu!