Saturday, April 27, 2019

Leaving a Clean House

WOW. It has been many months since my last post and this will likely be my last post. I offer sincere apologies but we are preparing to move away, a decision three years in the making. So in the past six months we've purged and saved our treasures, sold our house and two cars and most of our furniture. Why did we need all that furniture anyway? We also bought a cross country vehicle (not a camper) and we will head out mid-May for the Western USA. Everything we own will be in that car.
Soooo, I'm not cleaning as much as I used to. I mean, we're leaving, right? But I will feel compelled to give it a good going over before we vacate. We actually repaired and painted all the nail holes in the walls. We agreed that it was a ritual of respect we felt honored to do for a home that has kept us centered and happy for over twenty years.
To tell you the truth, the more the house empties and the louder the echoes become, the more pleasure I get in swiffering the spots where furniture once stood. These original wood floors from 1948 are "expanding" and showing more shine than before. Funny how that shine resembles Nathan and I as we too shine with excitement for the journey ahead!
I have no plans to delete this blog as I feel it still has good old-fashioned value and I've received some positive feedback on how it has helped some. Besides, it's a GOOD blog! If you are interested in following our new journey in life, I invite you to visit and subscribe to my new blog called "". My new blog will launch in mid-May if not sooner (I am itching to write!) so don't miss this fabulous freeing adventure we have "semi-planned"!
I bid you Adieu!